
23 Aug 2017


Humaira' temankan mama

15 Mar 2015


Doing the same thing and hope for different results, MADNESS [Einstein]

29 Nov 2012

Yogioh...SIIF 2012

Alhamdulillah, syukur kepada-Nya atas kesihatan dan kelapangan serta ruang dan peluang yang dikurniakan.
Kini di Seoul, Korea Selatan atas tugas rasmi (walaupon niat memang nak jalan-jalan). Peluang yang ada jangan disia-siakan mentelah tengok Dol asyik berulang alik ke Jepun berjumpa Sensei-sensei nya, timbulah rasa teringin untuk melihat negara orang. Berikut adalah gambar untuk dua hari di sini.

Restoran Taj Palace di Iteawon, halal dengan Indian Cuisine

Nasi Beriani Kambing, 14 000 won (RM 40!)

Masjid Iteawon di atas bukit, cantik pemandangan sekitarnya 

Ex-Supervisor, Dr. Intan di booth pamerannya.

Abg Sazli Saad di SIIF 2012. hehe. sory, takde gambar lagi cantik da

Alhamdulillah, dapat berkenalan dengan Dr. Muhammad Ramli 
pensyarah FKE (dah PM pada umur 32 tahun!)

Pemandangan booth-booth pameran delegasi Malaysia ke SIIF 2012

Underground society, hehe. Kagum dengan kecanggihan sistem subway yang dimiliki.

Jauh berjalan luas pandangan...
Yang paling best, tenet di sini duashyat lajunya!

4 Oct 2012

"WOW!" Factor in PhD Proposal

Alhamdulillah, very thankful to our Creator for give me the opportunities to join Kursus Persediaan Pengajian Siswazah (KPPS), which maybe the last KPPS course ever in UPM. It is due to tutor status no longer available at UPM. New fellowship scheme (Tenaga Akademik Muda) will be offered in the future to replace this tutor things.

It is a nice course to attend in my opinion. many new things I got from this course. How to choose correct university, proposal preparing, research and paper publication process and etc. And most important thing, free breakfast and lunch. hehehe.

Prof. Dr. Nazamid Saari introduced me to a new term, 'Wow! factor' in preparing the PhD proposal. He shows from the beginning until the end to write proper PhD proposal and making jokes with his "kundur" and "dokong" research examples. A lot of things need to be done after listening to his talk. Maybe I want to write a review journal paper using his technique some other time in the future.

My M. Eng. convocation is just around the corner. Really excited perhaps. I have to be focus for preparing my PhD after this. New research with new university. Hopefully, it is also conducive to study PhD and I can graduate on time unlike my master degree. 3 years! Just feel like doing PhD. hahaha.

Focus on the future, learn from the past

11 Jul 2012 Autodesk

Alhamdulillah. Segala pujian bagi Allah.
LULUS! Tersenyum lebar ketika melihat test report ketika penjaga peperiksaan memerint outnya. Antara yang terawal masuk dan paling awal keluar. Hanya 30 minit diperlukan untuk menjawab 30 soalan apabila memikirkan gotong-royong jabatan selapas ujian on-line ini.

Test Report ujian AutoCAD 2012

Terima kasih diucapkan pada guru pengajar, En. Rozaiman (pensyarah Politeknik Merlimau, Melaka) atas segala ilmu yang dicurahkan.

Sijil AutoCAD 2012 Certified Associate 

p/s: Teringin untuk ambil profesional level pula selepas ini. hehe. Next target, Inventor 2012!

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