
21 May 2011

Gelak???Memang klakar.

just an update.

long time not update.

then I update.

and like this update. [pantun in english]

and this vid also.

thanks to all.

28 Mar 2011

Laut itu masin...

Cikgu Anisah Harun bertanya, "Apa pentingnya laut kepada kita, manusia?". Soalan yang masih lagi diingati sehingga kini. Ketika berkelah di Desaru semalam (27032011) menjentik kembali soalan lama ini yang masih lagi tertanam dalam fikiran. Ketika itu penulis berada di Tingkatan 1, SMK (A) Durian Guling dalam subjek Geografi. Itu pon setelah tertelan air laut, masin.

Dalam sejarah dan sirah yang penulis pelajari, banyak sekali menggambarkan kaitan dengan laut. Antara matan hadis yang biasa kita dengari, "Ummat Islam pada akhir zaman umpama buih-buih di lautan". Sejenak penulis terfikir, dalam sirah Rasullah S.A.W. bilakah masanya Rasullah pernah pergi ke laut/ tepi pantai??? Penulis pon masih tiada jawapannya.

Masin biasanya dikaitkan dengan garam, NaCl dan sekaum kerabat dengannya. Dalam sejarah pembinaan piramid, garam digunakan sebagai upah kepada buruh binaan dan para pekerja. Dan air garam akan di"alir"kan ke dalam badan manusia untuk meneutralkan racun/toksin. Sumber utamanya adalah laut.

Buih-buih di tepi pantai 

Dan ketika ini bila kita bercakap pasal laut pasti tidak akan terlepas bercerita mengenai TSUNAMI. Melihatkan ombak yang kuat semalam pon (penulis cuba menahan diri dipukul ombak), penulis tidak dapat membayangkan bagaimana kita boleh bertahan dengan ombak setinggi 10m, kita memang tiada daya!. Lanskap Jepun telah berubah keranaNya. 

p/s: adakah Tsunami PRU 13 bakal tercetus lagi???
Dan akhirnya Cikgu Anisah menjawab soalan dia sendiri, "Kalau tiada laut, bumi ini akan berbau busuk".

22 Feb 2011

Sunset @ Tasek UTM

Alhamdulillah, this evening I got chance to spend a little piece of my time at Tasek UTM. viewing a sunset with my beloved spouse. It was a nice opportunity when apparently Dol's camera still in my hand, so this is some pics  to memorized in my blog after five and half years in UTM. Thanks to Allah S.W.T. 
MSI view from Tasek UTM 

Hey, you two!

Maybe have seen him somewhere???

Nice sky!


The angle that we have never ever able to view by our naked eyes

Sun to set

Ya Allah, give me knowledges that benefited to others 

Enviroment in UTM

Tree with so many branches

p/s: Happy 4th Anniversary Blogging Day! @ PRK day at UTM. Good luck to new leaders, the chosen. and Happy belated Maulidur ar-Rasul S.A.W everyone! 

7 Feb 2011

C.H.A.N.G.E. => I.M.P.R.O.V.E.

Two words...
But maybe a little bit have different meaning. "Improve" is more positive rather than only "change".
So, let improve now for bright future ahead!

 credit to : 

p/s: Happy Birthday to me and everyone!
My little bro: 5th
My big bro in-law: 7th
Me: 22th
My beloved sweetheart: 25th
My big bro: 29th
My little bro in-law: 3th (hopefully happy with the jersey, FITRI 7)

24 Jan 2011

Moon in my heart...

Strive for the success!


15 Jan 2011


This week I feel a little bit S.E.N.G.A.L actually. Not doing well in my experiment. Still not found the correct controller scheme. Plus, today unfortunately I went to my wife's school programme at Bandar Tenggara. hoho. Really shock with the event actually.

This is my first time been in a school programme with talks about Malay survival by a Jusa C officer. In addition I also have opportunity to hear a speech from important VIP from MOE, directly under TPM. He will become MP in the next general election I think. Nice speech there as he was a ex-forum panel before but still not enough to make the GPI there trust what you all said.

Good time I think about the second talk. An ummah economic perspective from PM Hussein Solomon. Thank you for the information of Skim Cepat Kaya (SCK).

p/s: Congratulation to two of my beloved friends, Yus and Dol upon their niqah. Sorry because cannot effort to attend your big events. Just doa' from far away. Have a good life bro!

2 Jan 2011

Selamat Ulang Tahun Kelahiran dan Selamat Pengantin Baru...Sahabat Selamanya

Happy 25th birthday, Azly! And Congratulation to Usop upon the wedding, have a nice life together. Brings you all a nice song. ~Friend forever~. v(',')v

p/s: Happy new year 2011 to all! Hopefully 2011 will bring prosperity and barakah to our life. Good bye 2010. Never forget the history.

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